Loon: Today’s 3 question interview victim, ha ha ha so to speak, is the very famous portrayer of Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Basil Rathbone. Tell me, sir, just what is a rathbone?
Basil Rathbone’s ghost: You jest, my dear fellow, but nonetheless, the question is one of interest. It has to do with a Mr. Charles Dodgson and a poem he once wrote which is entirely too complex for a simple explanation to be offered here. Please proceed, my good man.
Loon: Sherlock Holmes had a favorite musical instrument, the violin. Do you have a favorite musical instrument, the violin?
Basil Rathbone’s ghost: I find the violin nauseating. I prefer the simplicity and grandeur of the tuba.
Loon: Finally, oatmeal or pancakes?
Basil Rathbone’s ghost: Holmes was most definitely an oatmeal man. As for myself, I’ve not yet tasted anything to surpass a stack of buckwheat pancakes with a sufficiency of butter and maple syrup prepared for me once upon a time by Danny Kaye.
Loon: Thank you, Mr. Rathbone.
Basil Rathbone’s ghost: You’re entirely welcome, my fine fellow.
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