The new way to fold handkerchiefs never caught on.
The new way to fold handkerchiefs never caught on.
The ouzel was not pleased with the tone of the interview and stomped off in a rage.
This ouzel: a. had nothing to do with the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. b. planned the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. c. is marching to Georgia. d. is not pleased.
The mirror regarded its contract with the evil queen to be legally binding and, in addition, feared her possible response if it broke the contract.
In answer to Margarita’s question about the fairest of them all, the mirror says: a. ‘You will be.’ b. ‘You’re good to go now, but wait ’til later.’ c. ‘Solomon’s got the rep, but there’s this really fair guy in Billings, Montana. So it’s a tossup.’ d. ‘I’m under contractual obligation to hype the evil […]
Wearing two uniforms at once made Tris feel special on his birthday.
Tris celebrated his birthday by: a. punching Ty Cobb. b. participating in a spitting contest with teammates. c. stacking and balancing four baseballs on top of his head. d. wearing a second uniform over his usual uniform.
Maria dressed like this because: a. she liked cobras. b. she was insane. c. she thought it might get her the part of Blanche Dubois. d. her other outfits were being reforged.
John C Calhoun’s hair: a. consisted of 0% hair and 100% wire. b. controlled the animatronic body beneath it. c. was a nervous wreck. d. dominated.