In a kingdom as peaceful as can be expected there resided a pair of rude princesses. Their similarities were so striking that there was only one way to tell them apart. Both were rude and nasty. However, Bess was rude, nasty and unkempt. Tess was rude, nasty and kempt. Their shared rudeness and nastiness was such that the both of them were left entirely to their own devices. And pretty fine devices they were. Each had a castle, a garden with a candy machine, flying ponies, and enough jewels and gowns to surround a hippopotamus. Every day at noon Tess and Bess would hurry to the topmost balconies of their respective castle towers and hurl insults at each other for a most satisfactory hour, Bess, her hair in a tangle and her frock in disarray, Tess, neatly coiffed, gowned and shod. They lived thusly until one day when they were elderly crones, Bess tripped over her loose shoelaces and drowned in a pool of her own chocolate drool. Tess, eyesight and earhear weak with age, continued her balcony shouting visits for as long as she was alive, which was oddly long, I have to say.
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