We live at the mercy of a malevolent word. Pithy, Joe, pithy.
We live at the mercy of a malevolent word. Pithy, Joe, pithy.
‘Surprise! Now you know why the rear-facing seats are such a bargain.’
effigy – the stock vaudevillian Italian organ grinder recites the alphabet, as in ‘a, b, c, d, e, effigy…’
heart of gold heart of dross heart of sinfully strident moss heart of lion heart of lamb heart of willfully ignorant clam heart of now heart of then heart incomplete, second and ten
The triffid’s nephew joined the loon and triffid for a holiday repast featuring vegetarian tacos for the loon and a pair of slaughtered venison for the triffids. The nephew, an advance scout for the invading triffid army from the Andromeda galaxy’s fourth dimension, shared several amusing anecdotes about his travels around the world in search […]
The triffid and the loon hope that every fiber of your being will be infested from here to eternity with heretofore undreamed of happiness and candy and no pithy apples that look good when you buy them but turn out to be total losers.
‘Why don’t you do something to help me?’ Will watching ‘March of the Wooden Soldiers’ today do?
‘That’s VLorT, exchange angel from our sister galaxy’s heaven.’
Cliff Edwards, aka Ukelele Ike, but even more aka Jiminy Cricket, when informing you that wishing on a star just might lead to dreams coming true, reveals his jawdroppingly beautiful singing voice.