May 31, 2010
Kenneth Bigalow’s restless heart rambled throughout his body, never stopping for more than an hour in any one place. Naturally, he went to the doctor. After completing the examination, the doctor said, “Mr. Bigalow, you’ve got a severe case of restless heart syndrome.” “What should I do about it?” asked Kenneth Bigalow. “You might become […]
May 30, 2010
The loon has been pondering and working on those clouds in the painting on the right for weeks. The blurry phone photo gives a washed out vague idea of the satisfactory result. (The painting is of a meadow in the high country of Yosemite.)
May 29, 2010
My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy; and, when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change, without torture such as you cannot even imagine. These words never tumbled from Boris Karloff’s lips while he played Frankenstein’s monster, did they? The monster, as […]
May 28, 2010
“I tell you, Eddie, this kid’s got what it takes. Plenty of dough and the willingness to hand it over to me.”
May 27, 2010
That’s Sill on the right, Fiss on the left, a sister/brother set of twins. They star in an experimental circular story, The Ledgemoon. It’s a story in the form of a wheel, the spokes of the wheel being the chapters. Enter the story at any spoke and read around and around as long as you […]
May 26, 2010
Anna May Wong, and yet, on the other hand, she may not.
May 25, 2010
The elephant and the insurance adjuster moved to the starting line and crouched low, preparing to hurl themselves down the track. The starter, a renegade bacteriologist, raised her pistol. Neither elephant nor insurance adjuster spoke a word, but both peered through slit eyes of rage at the innocent sky. Insufferable insults had been exchanged days […]
May 24, 2010
May 23, 2010
This path leads to Queen Amzo’s garden at Honeygold, Clover Castle. She goes there to be alone with her thoughts, which are mostly about her daughter, Lorelei Lo, who as an infant had to be sent away to be raised as Servant Princess to the Dragon. Her story takes place 1000 years before the to-be-released […]
May 22, 2010
I mean it was quite amuseing in spots because it was really quite riskay but the spots were not so close together and I never seem to like to always be hunting clear through a book for the spots I am looking for, especially when there are really not so many spots that seem to […]