IT’S APRIL 30TH, I TELLS YA! APRIL 30TH! and I got nothin’.
He looked like: a. a termite, but softened the effect by wearing a tie. b. a partially digested omelet, but without the charm. c. an umbrella left out in the rain. d. runaway inflation with a matching smile.
my sister’s aunt (rhyme it with want) decided to go fishing she caught an old tire, a tin can and some wire and the law firm of Harboth & Swishing
You fling yourself into the ditch and burrow frantically, covering yourself with fallen leaves. Your heart hammers in your chest. You hold your breath and tremble in silence. The horses thunder by. You wait. You wait. You wait until you can wait no more. You gasp, take in air with a shuddering sob. They’ll be […]
The corps de ballet nervously assembling onstage to await the raising of the curtain
She dug a great trench 40 feet long out back and eventually filled it to the brim with pencils, which she proceeded to walk back and forth on for hours. Who knows why?
In addition to her archery skills, it’s a little known fact that Katniss: a. was also a leading authority on the films of Mary Pickford. b. could recite the entire poem Hiawatha while hopping. c. hoarded pencils. d. had a favorite element, tungsten.
long in the fellow short in the tooth henry wadsworth yea forsooth