November 30, 2017
These young scamps, future Gypsy Rose Lee and already Baby June, are posing while: a. in the company of their pet demons from Hell. b. waiting for the potion to work on the photographer. c. watching Mr. Goldstone eat eggroll after eggroll after eggroll. d. wondering if their mother has gotten rid of the evidence […]
November 29, 2017
Playing peek-a-boo with a triffid
November 28, 2017
‘Describe the pain in your knee. Is it sharp? Dull? Does it throb?’ said the witch doctor. ‘Yes,’ said the witch. ‘It starts every Tuesday as a kind of long stabbing. Then it dulls on Wednesday and Thursday, throbs Friday, retreats until I think it’s gone on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Then Tuesday. Stab, stab, […]
November 27, 2017
Her throat was strong and milky white, corded with straps of muscle. – a neck sentence from Tracks
November 26, 2017
When Miss Hennessy arrived at the cotillion thusly garbed, scandal ensued.
November 25, 2017
Madeleine kindly shared her chocolate gun with both John and Robert.
November 24, 2017
John has just demanded that: a. Madeleine share with him her delicious milk chocolate gun. b. Madeleine stop waving the silly licorice gun about and declare once and for all whether she prefers his haircut or Robert Young’s. c. Madeleine give up her painted bar of soap sculpted gun and uncover her cyborg right eye. […]
November 23, 2017
Napoleon Solo says, ‘Have a Happy Thanksgiving or else.’
November 21, 2017
contemplating the inevitable fall