July 31, 2016
Loon: I am excited to welcome for today’s 3 Question Interview Sergei Prokofiev, a famous Russian composer I think I heard about once. Mr, or should I say Herr Prokofiev, did you like being a Russian? Prokofiev’s ghost: Da. Loon: I am told you wrote music. Do you think music should be listened to in […]
July 30, 2016
wheeled ecstasy ambidextrous my soul is on fire and by on fire i mean quietly plotting oh yes murmur your epithet still i conquer wheeled ecstasy
July 29, 2016
The Giant Rag Doll kidnapped Jean Harlow, but the situation was quickly resolved when the ransom demanding a wheelbarrow filled with scraps of material was paid.
July 28, 2016
Following this photo session, the Giant Rag Doll: a. drove Jean Harlow to The Brown Derby, where they had lunch. b. played bridge teamed with Jean Harlow against Clark Gable and Franklin Pangborn. c. hitchhiked back to her antique store in Flagstaff, Arizona. d. kidnapped Jean Harlow.
July 26, 2016
Draped with a few dead rodents she could slip unsuspected into cucumber luncheons. This is one of the milder offerings from amazingly great and bizarre Geek Love.
July 25, 2016
You place your ticket in the red velvet hand of the Squad King. He examines it with his pearl encrusted lorgnette, nods acceptance, and allows you to pass through the silk curtains of no discernible color. The spillway confronting you is domed above and flanked by a neat squadron of folding chairs. You seat yourself […]
July 24, 2016
Silver threads and golden needles cannot mend this heart of mine Ever since the day you left me I’ve been drunk on cheap red wine Silver threads and golden needles are no help to me at all Collapsed as I am here now in the corner down the hall
July 22, 2016
Isabella, the South American zebra tarantula, was Gene’s treasured companion for many years.