February 14, 2013
To prove the deep and abiding love he held for his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, Bill: a. wore that hat she gave to him. b. wore that hat and took his lady fair snake hunting in the Mojave Desert. c. wore that hat while preparing a romantic repast of okra and grits. d. promised her […]
February 14, 2012
The Perfect Gift Jim Darling was positively frantic and negatively charged over the looming impossibility of finding the perfect gift for his beloved. He pulled out his pocket watch and wound it so tightly that it exploded, sending shards of glass and metal into his forehead. Of course! Why didn’t I think of that before? […]
February 13, 2012
Valentine blossoms in the Black Forest of Death
February 12, 2012
The Misfit Lovers They considered themselves outcasts, and rightfully so. Leftfully so, too. For you see, he was a loan wolf, scorned by his brethren and sistren. She was a lone shark, shunned by all other elasmobranch fishes. When they met on the sandbar, it was love at first nip. For you see, they fell […]