Try not to pontificate from a platform of ignorance.
1. Fancy Tablecloth Woman (pictured above) 2. Pencil Sharpener Man 3. After Dinner Mint Girl 4. Cheap Lotion Man
bowl of oatmeal bowl of pabulum bowl of ovaltine frantic consumer torn between choices
No presents until Elizabeth wore the polar bear head.
Elizabeth Montgomery posed in this manner every Christmas morning because: a. she was proud of the polar bear she personally dispatched with her bare hands to save a seal. b. she lost a bet. c. it fulfilled a clause in her contract without which she would not be paid. d. unless the polar bear head […]
So arm in arm and shaken by little giggles the two tipsy old ladies went down to their cabin. From the quite humorous Vile Bodies.
I was off the mountain for several days. This is to confirm moisture occurred in the San Francisco Bay Area.