His eyes burned yellowly. – from The Maltese Falcon
His eyes burned yellowly. – from The Maltese Falcon
Alfred Hitchcock just announced: a. that there were no more doughnuts. b. that from now on he was going to pretend to be Mickey Mouse. c. that his little dog, Whiskers, would direct the rest of the picture. d. that he was going to empty the giant box of tarantulas he held high over his […]
Fair warning. Follow those critter tracks and you will find yourself totally immersed in liquid. For you see, a pond lies hidden beneath that smooth blanket of snow.
A clever lark landed on a low branch in a tree by the river. Below her a hippopotamus stood doing nothing at all. ‘I am a hippopotamus,’ said the lark. The hippopotamus looked up and said, ‘No, you’re not. You’re a little bird. I am a hippopotamus. See my two lower great dagger tusks?’ The […]
To be fair, Jessica’s corsage was made entirely of candy.
Hume Cronyn can’t believe that Henry Travers just ate: a. Jessica Tandy’s corsage. b. a telephone book. c. a yo-yo. d. all of the above.