The correct answer is ‘all of the above’.
When Dot and Lil went on a picnic: a. they went on a PICNIC! b. they used their steel reinforced picnic coach to bear the weight of 10,000 pounds of food. c. a team of 20 mules pulled the food and maiden laden coach. d. all of the above
Sir Hat of the Fen entered the lists perched securely on the back of his powerful glowing steed. ‘Easy, my gallant,’ soothed Sir Hat, and the steed shuddered, shaking its feathered mane. Across the field the Red Knight lowered his lance and charged. Sir Hat responded in kind and surged bucketty clatter forward. Two lances […]
A trial balloon was on display in my cave the other day. The judge herself gave it to me when a jury of peers set me free. Oh, happy as a lark am I with many another fish to fry. Tears of joy spill from my eye. Serenity mine ’til by and by a happy […]
The author presents us with an incandescent congeries of ripe brain splattered shards infinitely convoluted while at the same time illustrating an irretrievably sane approach to dairy farming.
Many feel they are called to the priesthood, but what they really hear is an inner voice saying, ‘It’s indoor work with no heavy lifting, do you want to be a ploughman like your father?’ – from Small Gods
‘I am very good at puzzles. I am the best,’ said Little Daphnis. The gatekeeper looked doubtful and smiled crookedly. ‘A scrap of a thing like you? Tell me another. Go off and leave the labyrinth to fools a good deal older than you.’ ‘I have a baling hook. It’s iron. The smith made it […]